الأربعاء، 24 يونيو 2009

The Fifth Day-Dear Death

Dear Death

Today let us put love

on the love that died

Let us forgive the rose of longing

for its thorns which injured

let us roam the land of our insisters

sink in the earth

to touch the seed of the rose

whose leafs like mine

die outside its garden

Dear Death

Today life lives for our sorrow

our dead tears are its fuel

our beloved people leaving us as well

Dear Death

Today Let us roam the land of my kingdom

Let us go deep inside my sorrow

to touch the seed of the rose

whose leaves like mine

die outside its garden

Dear Death

Today let us glorify sorrow

dress it our tears

and kiss the forehead of the criminal

will such kisses make us alive?

Dear Death

Today let me stab myself

sink in my body

touch the bite of my heart

which is like me

dies in another body